See the Music
ECE5725 | December 16, 2021
Hongyi Wu(hw727) and Tzu-Yun Hsu(th629)
Listening to music can be an enjoyable moment for celebration, an escape from the daily hustle, or simply warm company at midnight. What if the senses we use to feel the music can be expanded to different senses? Will it enhance the experience that a person can gain when interacting with music? We want to find out the answer by implementing a remote control music visualizer to discover the relationship between music and the sense of sight.
In this project, we built a 6x6x6 RGB LED cube as a music visualizer. It enables the user to ’see’ the music which they are playing on their phone. The LED cube is controlled by six shift registers, six N-channel MOSFETs, and an arduino uno. The music control and analysis is accomplished on Raspberry Pi with packages like Pandas, Librosa and so on. Bluetooth is used to communicate between the mobile phone and the Raspberry Pi, while the communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino is executed via serial.
We separated the design and testing into the hardware (LED cube construction and Arduino control) and software (music processing, music visualization, and Raspberry Pi and mobile phone control) parts. The design concept is to perform real-time music analysis visualization on the cube, and to provide user-friendly control between the mobile interface and the LED cube. We also need to minimize the pins that are used by the LEDs to realize the hardware buildup, and this helps enhance the performance of the music analysis process.
To control 216 RGB LEDs separately, we inevitably need to implement multiplexing to achieve full control of the device in a limited amount of pins. Our original plan is to use multiplexers to control all LEDs based on the reference of the previous student work[1]. However, we need more than 14 pins (the total pins they used to control 512 single-colored LEDs) for our RGB LEDs, which may be impossible to fit on an Arduino Uno, not even an Arduino Mega. Thus, we chose to use shift registers instead since they can be daisy-chained to control more than eight output pins with three inputs.
We used common cathode(-) RGB LEDs to build up the whole cube. For each horizontal plane, which is also called a layer, the cathodes of the 36 LEDs are connected together to ground. First, we soldered six layers of 6x6 LED planes separately, and then inserted the wires of the desired length into the holes cut off on the base plane. Those wires are the pillars to connect each LED in the same column of each plane together and to stabilize the structure. Each LED has three wires connected to red, green, and blue signals. The most important part is to make sure no LED connection is shorted in the soldering process.
As mentioned above, the ground pins of each LED on the same plane are connected together, and it is controlled by one N-channel MOSFET. The MOSFET is connected to an output pin on a shift register, so the first shift register records the data to ground each layer separately. As for the input signal of the LEDs, we only implement the green signal in the current situation due to the time limit of this project. The wire of each green input signal of an LED column is soldered to a wire, and the wire would be an output pin on a shift register. Since we have 36 LED columns, we need 5 shift registers (8 output pins per each) to control all of them. Shift registers can be connected to one another by the output enable pin (pin 9) with the same clock signal. Thus, we chained the first shift register with the rest of them to control all of the pins with only three digital pins on the Arduino.
To better understand multiplexing, we first tried to control a 3x3 LED array by six digital pins (3 inputs for each row and 3 outputs for each column).
Then, when we moved on to change our design to utilize shift registers, we tested the basic control of 8 LEDs in one shift register before chaining all six of them together. Originally, we planned to connect the shift register controlling the ground of each layer to a separate set of pins. However, after seeing another reference[2] showing the feasibility to control all signal data altogether, we chained all six shift registers together for the process. The only thing we need to remember is the data sequence of each output pin to send out the right signal. Overall, the decision to implement the electronics of one color first instead of building all three colors helps a lot in the building and debugging process, and it also saves a lot of time to have a functioning prototype by the deadline.
The software for the music visualizer setup consisted of python packages such as Pandas, Librosa, BlueALSA, FIFO and serial. We divided the software design into parts: music processing, music visualizer, playback control, and player & serial communication.
We firstly designed to set up a real-time audio analyzer as we play the music. However, we wanted the system to be controlled by mobile phones. To achieve that, it was necessary to be equipped with a sound card or microphone. In the end, we adopted a concise way. We made the music playing and music analyzing separately, which means there is no need for us to collect the real-time music signal. We download the music file in mp3 format, and save the preprocessing file for the purpose of reading it while the mobile phone plays the music. After we got the mp3 file, we analyzed the music by Librosa and transformed it to the spectrom.
Since we have a 6*6*6 cube, we designed to divide the spectrogram into six pieces. For convenience, we selected six frequencies from the spectrogram range from 100 to 8000. Then we extract the loudness level of these frequencies by time, the result would be a matrix. we saved the matrix in csv by Pandas for the purpose of reading while music playing.
We designed a class to read the music data. Before we generate the audio analyzer, we need to define the name of the music for the program to find the required folder whose name is the current playing music. We will call some functions in the class later, while the music is playing. For example, we want to know the decibel of the time T and the first frequency F. We input the two parameters of the get_decibel function, the return value would be the decibel of the specified time and frequency.
In this part, we played the music on the mobile phone, and the bluetooth transmitted the audio to the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi received streamed audio from the A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) protocol, we referred most of the script from Before we followed the instructions, we were required to enable Audio Profile Sink Role and pair the mobile phone with Raspberry Pi 4. Here is the link: After pairing the devices, the key point was to capture the audio streams from Bluetooth devices and play them on Raspberry Pi 4. The bluez-alsa-utils helped to do that. After we install Bluetooth Audio ALSA Backend on internet, we simply run the script on terminal: “bluealsa-aplay 00:00:00:00:00:00” and test whether the speaker made sounds as the mobile phone was playing the music. After it works, we run the code from the instructions and see some of the information of the music playing.
The first, third and fifth lines were the control commands from the terminal. The rest of the lines showed the information of the music while the playing status changed. Since there has been a special loop calledGLib Main loop, we were unable to take any extra actions in the main program. We decided to modify the program to send messages to the other program using FIFO for the purpose of communication with different programs. Since we need to send the information of the playing status to the other python program. We applied os.mkfifo to create a fifo file when the program detected the status change. Meanwhile, the other program (main program) kept reading the fifo file if it existed. When we followed the method, we found that the two programs did not continue until both the programs finished the read/write operations. However, as long as the while loop does not stop, the read operation would not stop, the programs would be stuck. To solve the problem, we just simply made the FIFO file deleted after reading. Then when the status changed, the message sender created a new FIFO to send to the main program.
For this part, we need to combine all the above programs to calculate the correct output of the cube lights, and send the messages to Arduino via serial.
The basic idea for the calculation was: Each time we press the pause and continue button, the main program will get the message from FIFO, we can then update the playing time by the message. In addition, when the music changes, it will also receive the name of new music. Therefore, we designed a loop to keep asking the information from the FIFO, and if there is no update, then the program will compute the playing time by itself. The basic idea for computing the time is every time it comes to the line mentioned, it will add playtime to the difference of current time and last time. And then it saves the current time as the last time for the preparation of the next computing.
In the serial communication, we applied a serial package which actually communicates with Arduino by UART. It is called Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter, and the method is widely used by the communications between Raspberry Pi and Arduino. After connect Arduino to Raspberry Pi by USB, we run the code in python:
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600, timeout=1)If there is no error, it shows the system has detected the device and the device is ready to transmit the data. Noted that UART can only transmit data in bytes, we transformed the data to bytes by python command
command = bytes(out_str, 'utf-8')We also found a problem when we tried to implement the method. The data transmission would be slower after the music playing for around 30 seconds. The reason why it became slower was that the buffer has been full and it should pop out each element when new data came in, which dramatically reduced the transmission speed. To solve the problem, we reset the input and output buffer every time before we wrote the data to the serial.
We successfully implemented music visualization on a 6x6x6 RGB LED cube as one of our goals. User can select the music they want to play on the phone, and the frequency pattern of it would be displayed on the cube. The clearest way to view it is from the top of the cube.
We achieved part of our objectives to make music accessible through senses other than hearing. Now, we can feel the high and low of music through the flashing LEDs. The hardest resection that we encountered is to make real-time music frequency analysis be displayed on the cube. We found out it’s almost impossible to achieve if we don’t have a microphone on Raspberry Pi to read the music while it’s playing on the speaker. Even if we have a microphone, the time delay between the analysis and the data transmission to the cube would make the visualizer seem not synchronized to the music. Thus, we currently can only play several pre-analyzed songs to display the patterns on the cube, and this approach is the closest method we can achieve for real-time analysis at this stage.
We achieved part of our objectives to make music accessible through senses other than hearing. Now, we can feel the high and low of music through the flashing LEDs. The hardest resection that we encountered is to make real-time music frequency analysis be displayed on the cube. We found out it’s almost impossible to achieve if we don’t have a microphone on Raspberry Pi to read the music while it’s playing on the speaker. Even if we have a microphone, the time delay between the analysis and the data transmission to the cube would make the visualizer seem not synchronized to the music. Thus, we currently can only play several pre-analyzed songs to display the patterns on the cube, and this approach is the closest method we can achieve for real-time analysis at this stage.
# | Parts | Unit Price | Quantity | Total Price |
1 | 5mm RGB LED, pack of 100 | $7.96 | 3 | $23.88 |
2 | 74HC595 shift registers, 20 pc | $8.99 | 1 | $8.99 |
3 | Total | $32.87 |
We want to thank Prof. Joe Skovira massively for giving us useful inspiration and advice along the way and giving us lots of electronic parts to fulfill our build. We would also like to thank the TAs in the class that help us tackle tons of technical problems.
Please visit our Github to see the source code.
Tzu-Yun Hsu (th629)
Hongyi Wu(hw727)